Efraim Diveroli Phone Conversation with Box Guy Kosta Trebicka
This phone conversation between Efraim
Diveroli and Kosta Trebicka (renamed Enver
in the movie) was recorded by Trebicka to
use as evidence against the 22-year-old
Efraim Diveroli, then-President of Miami
based AEY, Inc. Trebicka was upset his
government had cut him from the deal and
replaced him with a company run by a
friend of the prime minister's son. He
held Diveroli partially accountable
because he went to his government on
Diveroli's behalf to try and have Henri
Thomet (Bradley Cooper in the movie)
removed from the deal. It backfired
because he was unaware that Thomet was
giving kickbacks to the Albanian
government. Trebicka then went on a
crusade against corruption in the
government. He died in a suspicious
"accident" in Albania in September 2008.
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